So Stacy Francis learned that screaming is not enough even if you have a big voice, but I think her so-called mentor had much to do with her slip-up. To me, the biggest embarrassment has been Melanie Amaro. What was with that other person who possessed her recently to the extent that she was speaking in tongues? Yes, yes, it's all about her origins blahdeblah but was I the only one who thought she had slipped round the bend? And if there's one thing calculated to lose my vote, it's people who thank God ad nauseam for their wonderful lives. Forget the ones leading miserable lives; I wonder who They are supposed to thank. Amaro can sing but she's a damn bore. She ain't got no X Factor.
Meanwhile, my man Josh K has taken a leading role, I'm happy to report. Drew is his biggest competitor. And I like Astro, his ego at least is on par with his talent.
However, I must draw the line at Simon Cowell saying Lakoda Rayne, the least talented but best-looking group in the whole competition, was fabulous. Does he need a hearing aid? Sometimes he speaks like a politician, giving lip-service to public sentiment. Even when the public is an ass.
PS. Isn't Steve Jones hawt?!