People, places and what triggers you to make faces

Friday, January 6, 2012

I've seen these hands before!

This is outrageous. Captivated by something I read which spoke of 'the greatest crime story ever written', I scrambled for Flipkart so I could immediately order The Hands of Mr Ottermole. Turned out to be a 23-page, Rs 438 limited edition imprint which was wonderfully written, yes, but really, if the words 'right under (policemen's) noses' gave the game away, it's a good thing this was written in the 30s – there would be no other excuse for it!
And horror of horrors, Georgette Heyer wrote a terrific whodunit, A Blunt Instrument, which has the same idea at its core. I refuse to believe she stole it, there's no law that says two writers can't have the same spark of genius. I also possess evey single book Ms Heyer ever wrote so obviously she can do no wrong in my eyes. But nevertheless, it was all most disappointing.

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