People, places and what triggers you to make faces

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Not quite resurrected

JR Ward is a God. No question about it. She has created a world of the most intimate, tender, tough, cool characters, with the kind of internal struggles and a masterly interactive dialogue that is unparallelled in her genre. It isn't realistic dialogue – do you know men who love to talk and examine their feelings? - but it is touching and what women want. Yet the latest book suffers from the worst malaise an author of repute can suffer: Lover Reborn's main storyline doesn't work. It's the exact fate of Lover Enshrined, where Phury and Cormia are just boring.
Here, Tohr (or Thor as Ward fans still insist on saying on her FB page, I thought Americans only had problems with Asian names, maybe they think Tohr is Arabic), is still in love with his dead wife, still mourning his unborn son, and in a matter of a few chapters we are to believe that he has fallen in love again. I think this is a modern day problem, where you are expected to love again and marry again no matter what, it's as though you are wanting in some way if you don't. Superficial much? Even the sex seems mechanical, and that, for Ward, is the coup de grace. But. I still love her work. There's a gritty, raw essence and deep values of loyalty and commitment that gets me going till the last page. There are new characters I've fallen for, like Xcor, and old characters that still set my heart beating faster, like Qhuinn and Blay. Layla having Q's baby was a motif introduced in the last book and one gets the feeling that Ward felt she had to stick to it although it really is a stumbling block to the developing saga but you get my drift? I am invested in these people.
This is the mother lode for a writer.

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