Had my first laugh of the day seeing the British Airways ad To Fly To Serve. They certainly do - to the white protagonist featured on it. Try being black and flying from India to Europe on BA and you'll know what hell is like. A place where you are not served food on time, where the food you are served isn't fit for dogs; where the stewards look at everyone with that kind of cold contempt you last saw reserved for Sidney Poitier on In The Heat of the Night; where you disembark to catch the connecting flight from Heathrow to John F K and suddenly it's gold class treatment for everyone on board, most of whom it goes without saying, are NOT black. It's like when Australia Tourism suddenly flooded Indian TV with ads featuring Indians who said they found the Holy Grail in Brisbane, Perth, Sydney whatever - after a spate of racist attacks against Indian students in Australia was widely reported by the media. How stupid does everyone think we are. Very.
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