People, places and what triggers you to make faces

Monday, August 20, 2012

It's all grey

I know we're almost as Americanised as our parents always foretold we would be (in the most sepulchral tones) but the latest ad on TV for 'Grey's Anatomy' is going one step too far.
Full disclosure: I loathe 'Grey's Anatomy'. The cast of doctors are the most unpleasant, self-obsessed, neurotic individuals I would never get my ill body close to. And they seem to be the same in real life. I don't know about you but I remember poor Isaiah Washington being fired from the show because he got into a fight on set with the gay-in-real-life actor whose name I don't recall but who always looked like he had just spied a pile of dung in the corner of the room. Anyway, poor Isaiah got canned because he yelled 'Faggot!' apparently. Oh boo-hoo. Dude should have just grown a pair and yelled back “Black!'. But no, American studios not only have to do the politically correct thing they have to be seen doing the politically correct thing. So out Isaiah went. But not before everyone from Patrick Dempsey to Katherine Heigl took sides against him, publicly naturellement.
Meredith Grey meanwhile never stopped whining. (You need to see Ellen Pompeo's 'Punk'd' episode to be fearful of your life if you ever done her wrong, btw.) Grey's so-called friendship with Yang is the kind of double-edged sword we would only want to emulate if we had a death wish. This is the role model for Indians in the workplace. 
The TV ad has a woman whining about her colleague, and best friend, being taken to Paris. 'Should I tell my boss her CV is fake?' she wonders, before delivering the punchline: 'What would Meredith do?' Then you have a guy whining about the work he has piled up on his desk on a Friday night while his boss gets to go home. Should he quit, he wonders. 'What would Meredith do?'
Sweet suffering Christ. With friends and employees like this we might as well go strand ourselves on a desert island with a pile of good books because the human species seems to be devolving rapidly. Jealous over a friend's good fortune to the extent that you would destroy her career? Complaining because you have to do what you're getting paid to do? What next? Taking cues from a TV show to chart your sorry life?
The Mayan prediction for December 2012 can't come soon enough. 
Of course the truth is we're already dead. We just don't know it.

Quote of the Week

Bangalore Police keep you on hold when you make an emergency call. When finally asked what the hell they mean by it, the immortal answer: “We aren't Vodofone to answer immediately. We're very busy.'

Best Book Title of the Week

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Heil the Dumbness

There's ignorance, abject ignorance, and this....

I would like to think the owner is simply ignorant, mistaking this for the religious symbol. Either that or there is a Nazi enclave in my neighbourhood and I need to head for the hills.