People, places and what triggers you to make faces

Friday, October 23, 2015

All things righteous. Not.

When the lunatic fringe raises its head, the rest of us want to pull ours in, like turtles. Can anything really explain Bangalore locals attacking a foreign tourist who had Hindu goddesses tattooed on his body? I can't. The Australian boy who was harangued and detained and then made to write a letter of apology for (and this covers just about everything) "hurting religious sentiments" fled the city the next day, and who can blame him. I would, too, if I could. In fact, I would have about 15 years ago exactly when I visualised which way my life would blow if I continued to live in India but that's another story. With the Australian you can imagine him now wanting to laser the whole thing off while telling anyone who will listen for the rest of his life what a bunch of nutjobs Indians are.
If you think it was low-level fanatics who took umbrage, just run through Facebook and you will find the so-called educated masses also raising a call to arms. For what, though? When you tattoo something on your body it's because you LIKE what it symbolises. You want to live your life on what the image or words mean. Um, how do you not get that.
The lesson I've learned from this is not be be righteous which my father always warned me about and which I, like any self-respecting offspring, cordially ignored. No longer. It's a dangerous path, to think you have standards that somehow trumps everybody else's.
I shall now get back to watching porn which I started doing after the Indian government tried to ban it recently. Great fun, and the plot lines are to die for. Who knew.