People, places and what triggers you to make faces

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Loki who?

As a wandering shopaholic, I sometimes see more than I wish to. Instead of browsing the wares in places like Debenhams at Orion Mall in peace, taking my time searching for hidden ambrosia, I will usually be pounced on by strangers asking me if they can help. Help what? Regain my lost peace of mind or my trampled-upon soul? No? Then walk away, people! This time, however, I was accosted by a man who was rather easy on the eyes so I walked into the new L'Occitane (fragrance and skincare from Provence) space. Gorge, the kind of products that come weighted with history, research and, for all us beauty-is-as-beauty-sees types, wonderful packaging. It's worth its weight in gold outside India and will, I prophesy, make no dent at all inside India, much like the staggeringly empty but equally popular-abroad Kiehl's next door, simply because it is way too expensive and not household names like Armani or Dior. Pity, because it's good stuff - and it helps that it's not just the products that are pleasing to the beholder.

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