People, places and what triggers you to make faces

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Flat but still fabulous

MAC Cosmetics has a reputation for having the best products worldwide - and the worst customer relationships. Any Youtuber will relate the horror stories but it's so strange because they're all the same. That when you walk into a store and if there are just 2 other women there (the men are part of the sales team if at all present), the staff will completely ignore you. The usual line when they deign to acknowledge your presence is "I'll be with you in a minute. Just let me finish here." If they've been taught the spiel you'd think they would also have been taught not to then proceed to giggle and talk and then saunter through various product aisles and then giggle some more. All I wanted on the day I went was a lipstick. After waiting 5 minutes or so I asked the cleaning lady if there was even one other rep in the store. She called someone from the back. What was everybody waiting for? Just point me towards Lady Danger, honey, I wanted to say, and I'll make my own way to the cash counter. The rep was polite, if cold, (which is ok, I'm not here to make you my BFF), got me what I wanted and I was on my way. But you don't want to be pissed when you're shopping for the Holy Grail, do you. Which, in case you were wondering, was in this case a chalice brimming with
Lady D, Rebel & Flatout Fabulous. The fact that I fled the scene with only one I would count as both my loss and MAC's.

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