People, places and what triggers you to make faces

Friday, May 18, 2012

The best-dressed man on TV

I've always had a soft spot for Jim Caviezel. Mainly because he has the face of a suffering Christ, sensitive, beautiful, intense. No doubt the reason he was chosen to play ol' JC in The Passion of the Christ, Mel Gibson's first foray into the engrossing chaos that is his mind. The story about Jim being struck by lighting on the cross when they were shooting in bad weather was one of the best I'd heard in film anecdotes. But I digress.
He is now playing Mr Reese in Person of Interest on Star World and I really think he's edible in the role. He's tall, well-built, has thick, salt-and-pepper hair cropped short, and wears perfectly-cut, dark suits with open white shirts and impeccable black shoes that look Italian. He speaks in a compelling whisper which is not irritating, (unlike Kiefer Sutherland in 24 and now the entirely forgettable series Touch). He is protective, loyal and has scruples. One look from his icy blue eyes and violent individuals have been known to stop short as though hit by a brick wall.
Good grief. Is he the perfect man or what.

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