People, places and what triggers you to make faces

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Crime & Punishment

Reading about the arrest of a Frenchman in India on suspicion of the most appalling crime was enough to make my breakfast come up. You would think a man accused of allegedly raping his 3-yr-old daughter would be enough of a slice of the Apocalypse, but there is something worse: Bangalore policemen giving him the benefit of the doubt not because there was only circumstantial evidence, but because they could not imagine a father raping his daughter, they said. The circumstantial evidence, according to hospital reports, is that the toddler was raped from various orifices. And that's not allegedly.
The father is now saying the mother is trying to frame him. I see. And she would no doubt have raped her own child using some implement or another to get back at him for reasons unknown? Yes, perhaps Bangalore policemen can find some credibility in that scenario because, you see, the guilty party would then be a woman.
In America, paedophiles are killed in prison, proving that serial killers are ok but child molestors are not. We are not that advanced in India. Here, the father above was merely slapped by a passer-by as he was being taken to jail.
I was watching a rerun of Luther, the cop drama on BBC Entertainment, and when they shoot this piece of excrement trying to pose as a human being I was seriously upset. Come on, where's the justice in that? A quick death in response to horrific acts based on, in this fictional case, greed?
No, no, no.
I am against the death penalty because there are many people who need to suffer slowly, painfully and just as remorselessly as the deeds they commit, a little every day so they don't get used to it. (If there's one law we should all adhere to it is the Law of Diminishing Returns, don't you agree?) They need to have everything they care for systematically removed so the horror they undergo seeps into them on a spiritual level, too. Then, they need to have done to them exactly what they did to someone else, and I mean exactly.
For sub-humans who rape or murder or abuse children, there needs to be a whole other punishment to fit the crime.

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