There are so few individuals you recognize instantly as being a cut above, but when you do, it makes you hopeful when you are otherwise surrounded by a Confederacy of Dunces. Watching the Critics' Choice Awards, I was utterly baffled by Daniel Craig getting an acting award. (Were the critics imbibing a bit too easily at their free luncheons and maybe thought they were voting Day-Lewis? There's no other explanation. Or perhaps they think 'action' movies aren't real movies. Who the hell knows.) So when Ben Affleck won his wins for 'Argo', I sighed in relief. And if you heard the reaction he got, you would have known it was a special moment because not only is Affleck-Damon-Clooney-Pitt wildly popular they are popular for the right reasons. They are intelligent, strong and committed, not only to their talent but to the world in which they live. Everywhere they go, they are greeted with reverence; there are so few of them, you see. Everything from architecture to politics to human suffering gets addressed with this lot, the beauty of it being they don't need to address any of it. They aren't running for President. They do it because they have something no one knows about; something that is whispered in dark alleys and rumoured to exist in strange lands, or seen hurriedly through the driving rain and gone before it's realized. That something is Integrity. Go on, look it up. You know you want to.
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